A U.S.
author and editor, Owen contributed a series of exotic, if
saccharine series of Oriental fantasies to Weird Tales.
Short Stories
The Wind
that Tramps the World, Splashes of Chinese Color, The Lantern Press (New
York), 1929
(Including: "The Wind that Tramps the World", "The
Blue City", "The Frog".)
Purple Sea,
More Splashes
of Chinese Color, The Lantern Press (New York), 1930
(Including: "The Golden Hour of Kwoh Fan", "The
Purple Sea", "The Perfumes of Chow Wan", "The Rice Merchant", "The
Love Letters of a Little House", "The Tinkle of the Camel's Bell",
"The Old Man Who Swept the Sky".)
A Husband
for Kutani,
Lee Furman (New York), 1938
Including "Doctor Shen Fu": A chinese alchemist
posesses the elixir of life.
Porcelain Magician, A Collection of Oriental
Gnome press (New York), 1949
(Including: "The Purple Sea", "The Old Man Who
Swept the Sky", "The Rice merchant", "The Blue City", "The Wind
that Tramps the Sky", "The Fan", "Doctor Shen Fu", "The Fountain",
"Monk's Blood", "The Porcelain Magician".)
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