- supernaturalfiction.co.uk
- edited by R.B.
- News
- We hope that this Guide will be of interest to
connoisseurs of supernatural fiction. It is still a "work in progress", but
already contains bibliographical information on over 360 authors and editors
of supernatural fiction. We are adding images of dustjackets as thumbnails
with the bibliographical information, and those bordered in red/brown can be
clicked on to provide a larger image. We hope to "upgrade" images over time,
and welcome any scans.
- There will be many ommissions, which we will endeavour to
put right over the coming months (and years!) If you have any suggestions,
corrections etc , then we would be very happy to hear from you. The entry that
best gives an impression at the moment of how we hope all entries will
eventually appear is the one for Arthur Machen.
- Our definition of "supernatural" is a very catholic but
inevitably subjective one, betraying our own interests and prejudices. Not
that this means that we would recommend every author or book contained on the
database. We have tried to include as much literature of the supernatural as
we can (and therefore a great number of ghost stories), but we only skirt
around the boundaries of fantasy, and science fiction is poorly represented.
If there is a bias towards the macabre and weird genres, though, this reflects
our own personal tastes.
- We have not attempted to create complete author
bibliographies, but include only those works which fall into our category of
the "supernatural".
- We welcome any information about writers who have
worked/are working in the supernatural tradition. With reference to
contemporary writers, we do generally require that an author must have had
their work professionally published before they are included.
Please click on the index to access authors by
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15th November 2011: The Supernatural Fiction Database is
taking a break from updates to the site. We are in discussion with a third
party who has offered to take it over, modernise and update the
9th December 2010: Thanks again to Granz Henman, this
time for images of Ghosts and Family
Legends by Catherine Crowe, a reprint of The Beetle and Curios by Richard Marsh, The Haunted House in Berkeley
Square by edric Vredenburg,, and Raw Edges by Percival Landon.
29th September 2010: Many thanks to Richard Dorsett for a
picture of the US edition of J. Meade Falkner's The Lost Stradivarius.
17th August 2010: Many thanks again to Granz Henman. He
has supplied scans for A Haunted
Inheritance and The Shadow of the
Unseen by James Blyth, a later printing of The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers, The Sinister House by Mary L. Pendered, and Sinister House by Leland Hall.
16th August 2010: Many thanks to Bob Knowlton. He has
supplied scans for the UK and US editions of The Supernatural Omnibus edited by Montague
19th July: Many thanks to Dwayne Olson for a photo of the
No Escape by R.R. Ryan and information on
Walter Owen.
11th july 2009: Thanks again to Granz Henman. He has
supplied scans for Francis C. Prevot's Ghosts and
Ghoulies and an illustrated wrapper for Blackwood's John Silence.
23rd April 2010: Many thanks to Granz Henman for a scan
of the first Creeps
7th February 2010: Many thanks again to John Eggling for
images of Ghosts I Have
Met, Over the
Plum-Pudding and The Water
Ghost by John Kendricks Bangs, From Whose Bourne by Robert Barr and The Poet's Curse by M.Y. Halidom.
4th February 2010: Many thanks to John Eggling for scans
of For the Soul of a Witch, Scottish Witchcraft Trials, Old As The World, Morag the Seal and a Sette of Odd Volumes publication, all by Brodie-Innes.
He has also kindly sent on Kalee's
Shrine by Grant Allen and the following by Leonid Andreyev:
The Crushed Flower and Other
Stories, The Red Laugh and Silence. He has also prompted me to scan my
own copy of Miss
Hargreaves by Frank Baker.
4th November: Many thanks to Jim Rockhill for additional
information relating to the entries on the Marjorie Bowen page of the
1st November 2009: Many thanks to Colin Sheffield for
images of The Feasting
Dead by John Metcalfe (Arkham House, 1954), Tomato Cain and other Stories by Nigel Kneale
(Alfred A. Knopf, 1950, The Arm of Mrs
Egan by William Fryer Harvey (Dutton, 1952) and The Decapitated Chicken and Other
Stories by Horacio Quiroga (University of Texas Press,
10th August 2009: Many thanks to Granz Henman for photos
of the first edition of The White Rose
Mystery by Gerald Biss, and reprints of Number Seven Queer Street and Nights of the Round Table by Margery
7th July 209: Thanks to Daniel Corrick who has sent on a
couple of scans and prompted me to update the entries for Mark Samuels, Ramsey Campbell and Ted Klein. Thanks also to Granz Henman for a
scan of Andrew Haggard's Leslie's
22nd June: Thanks to Granz Henman for yet another rarity
- Ghostly Visitors by "Spectre
8th June 2009: Many thanks to Granz Henman for
photographs of £100,000 Pounds versus
Ghosts and Lady Mary's
Experiences by Mrs Robert Jocelyn. I have also updated with new
images the M.P. Shiel pages.
25th May 2009: Many thanks to Granz Henman for
photographs of Mysteries of
Asia by The Sheik A. Abdullah, The Haunted and the Haunters by Lord Lyttonin the
first US edition in wraps and a later edition with the scarce dj, The Weird o' it by Clive Pemberton and From Whose Bourne Etc by Luke Sharp [Robert
15th May 2009: I have just added a scan of Phyllis Paul's
first novel, We Are
Spoiled. Although not strictly a supernaturalist author, her
books do often suggest the supernatural as an explanation for events, and are
certainly atmospheric.
5th May 2009: I have just added a scan of the first US
edition of Edna W. Underwood's A Book of Dear Dead
Women. Apart from having a great title, it is a fine
collection of decadent and supernatural tales and appears to be quite
11th March 2009: Many thanks to Colin Sheffield for
sending scans of Ghouls in My
Grave by Jean Ray, the Gollancz reprint of Wylder's Hand by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, The US
edition of The Best Ghost Stories of
H.Russell Wakefield and the Midnight House reprint of The Beasts of Brahm by Mark Hansom.
18th January 2009: James Doig has sent images showing
some Colonial editions: Widdershins by Oliver Onions,
Dracula by Bram Stoker, and The Bell in the Fog by Gertrude Atherton, along with
Hell! Said the Duchess by Michael Arlen and
some Rosa Praed: The Soul of Countess
Adrian and The Body of His
Desire (Cassell, 1912).
6th January 2008: Jim Rockhill has provided us with the
information to create a new entry for J.B.
Priestley. Many thanks to Jim for this and for the image of the
jacket to The Other
4th January 2009: Happy New Year! Many thanks to Paul
Barnes for sending on pictures for Manhood's short story collection Nightseed, and two variant covers for
The Second Coming by Richard Marsh. Also to granz
Henman for the jacket to a cheap edition of May Sinclair's Uncanny Tales
18th December 2008: Many thanks to Todd Treichel for his
scan of Bells Rung Backwards by Oliver Onions. Todd has also sent
on a couple of scans of Reggie Oliver items which has prompted me to
update his page and add another few images. I have also updated the pages for
mark valentine whose new collection, The Rite of
Trebizond, has just been published.
With reference to contemporary authors, tend to focus on
classic supernatural fiction and are not able to list many contemporary
writers due to time and space constraints.
11th October: A quick note on copyright: Our
understanding is that the image of a dustwrapper is subject to copyright but
that this is not enforced by publishers because it is seen as available for
publicity and promotional purposes.
However, a specific photograph or scan of a dustwrapper
or book is copyright the person who created it. In the case of the
dustwrappers on this site, collectors of rare books have given their
permission for us to publish an image that they will often have gone to
considerable trouble to procure.
The internet is subject to the laws of copyright and thus
the scans on this site should not be reproduced without permission. We will
happily consult the copyright holder to obtain permission for anybody who
would like to reproduce them. When certain website rip-off these images it is
tantamount to theft, and especially annoying when they are likely to be given
permission if only they asked nicely! All we would like is for the originator
of the image to get a simple credit.
20th august 20008: Thanks to Jim Rockhill for sending
through a scan of the jacket for The Knot
Garden, a mixed genre collection published under Marjorie
Bowen's pen-name of George Preedy.
4th August 2008: Many thanks to Robert Eldridge once
again for a fine variety of obscure images: The first US edition of Ernest R.
Suffling's The Story
Hunter, Creswick J. Thompson's Zoroastro, J. Bryson Taylor's In the Dwellings of the Wilderness, Dorothy Macardle's
Earthbound, Vere Shortt and Frances Matthew's
The Rod of the Snake, and finally, a jacketed first
edition of Arthur Machen's The Hill of
28th April: Many thanks to James Doig for all of the
biographical information he has supplied for the hitherto enigmatic R.R. Ryan.
23rd April 2008 - It has been a while, but worth waiting
for . . . Robert Eldridge has supplied the images for some rather obscure
titles: The Scarecrow and Other Stories by G. Ranger Wormser,
The Shape of Fear and Other Ghostly
Tales by Elia Peattie, Oldham by Catherine M.
Verschoyle, Priest or Pagan by John Rathbone
Oliver, The Cross of Carl by Walter Owen, The Lost Valley by Algernon Blackwood, The Last Devil by Signe Toksvig, True Ghost Stories by Cheiro, A College Mystery by A.P. Baker and Between the Lights by Margaret
2nd January - Happy New Year! Many thanks to Don Kobetsky
for images of The Shrine of
Death by Lady Dilke, The Shadowy
Thing by H.B. Drake, The Hand of
Fate by Cheiro, A Night on the Borders of the
Black Forest by Amelia B. Edwards, and The Sweet Singers and Dark Encounters by William Croft
5th December 2007:
Many thanks to Granz Henman for images of The Haunted Organist by Rosa Mulholland, a
later editon of Ghost
Stories by E. & H. Heron, The Ghost of Guir House by Charles Willing
Beale, A Sheaf of Yule Log Stories by Rev, A.D. Crake and
Told in the Dimpses by H. C. O'Neill.
Many thanks also to Richard Dorsett for images of
A Farm In Fairyland by Laurence Housman, L'Apprenti Sorcier by Hanns Heinz Ewers, the title pages
of the 1st U.S. edition of Uncle Silas by Le Fanu, Tongues of Conscience by Robert Hichens, and
Tales Before Supper which contains Gautier's Avatar.
28th November 2007: A few new pictures: The Man With the Scales by Marjorie Bowen
(thanks to Jim Rockhill), Beam of
Malice and Flies on the
Wall by Alex Hamilton and The Woman in Black by Halidom (thanks to Chris Roden),
and Conjure Wife by Fritz Leiber, Beware After Dark anthlogy, the first paperback
edition of The Curse of the
Snake by Guy Boothby, the American first of The Brood of the Witch Queen by Sax Rohmer, and
The Place Called Dagon by Herbert Gorman
(thanks to sean Donnelly).
26th November 2007: Thanks to Richard Dorsett for a scan
of a Dutch edition of Vampier by Hanns Heinz Ewers.
It is only a second edition, but it has a great vignette on the
7th october 2007: Thanks to Sean Donnelly for a
photograph of John Buchan's Watcher by the
27th September 2007: Thanks once again to Nick
Granger-Taylor for scans of the 3rd British (cheap) edition of Machen's
The House of Souls, and for Thomas Burke's Billy and Beryl in Chinatown.
30th august: Thanks to Nick Granger-Taylor for emailing
to us scans of a number of books by Thomas Burke.
25th August: Many thanks again to Robert Eldridge for
sharing more scans of rare supernatural books with us. We have now uploaded an
illustrated edition of The Tinted
Venus and the first edition of The Statement of Stella Maberly by F. Anstey,
Through the Night by Mrs G Linnaes Banks, the first US
editions of The Ghost by Arnold Bennet and
Margery of Quether by Sabine Baring-Gould, The Devil's Mistress by J. Brodie-Innes,
and a later edition of Phantastes by George
3rd August 2007: Thanks to Robert Eldridge for sending on
pictures of the US edition of Cold Harbour by Francis Brett Young
and What Cuthbert Knew by Grace V.
27th July 2007: Thanks to Robert Eldridge for sending on
images of the folowing: Rhoda Broughton's Betty'
Visions, Mark Hansom's The Shadow on the
House, Q's Mystery Stories, Saki's The Square Egg, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Russell Thorndyke's The Master of the Macabre, Evelyn Underhill's
The Gray World, Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, and Mary E Wilkins
Freeman's The Wind in the
18th June, 2007: Many thanks to Charles Oliver for
sending through scans of Twilight Stories by Rhoda Broughton, and the
The Phantom
by Amelia B. Edwards.
1st June 2007: We have had problems with our old server,
which is frozen, and are now in the process of transfering all of our websites
to a new one. This will take some time (as we still use dial-up rather than
broadband) so please be patient with the links and pictures here for the next
few weeks. - All best wishes, Ray
26th march 2007: Thanks once again to Don Kobetsky - this
time for a picture of Ghostly Tales by the Countess of
22nd March 2007: Thanks once again to Don Kobetsky who
has sent on images for Madeleine Dahlgren's The Woodly Lane Ghost, Can Such Things Be? by Ambrose Bierce and Arabesques by Mrs Richard S.
12th March 29007: Don Kobetsky has generously sent on
scans of Violet Hunt's Tales of the
Uneasy and More Tales of the
Uneasy, and Death, The Knight And The Lady: A
Ghost Story by H. de Vere Stacpoole.
16th February 2007: Thanks again to Nick Granger-Taylor
who has sent scans of The Shrine of
Death by Lady Dilke, and a curious variant binding of Arthur
Machen's The Three
13th February 2007: Thanks to Nick Granger-Taylor who has
sent scans of the US edition of Arthur Machen's The Three Impostors, and a later issue of The Great God Pan.
19th December 2006: A Merry Christmas to you all! If,
over the Christmas season, you'd like to discuss classic ghost and horror
stories you might like to check out the Fireside Frights reading group.
1st December 2006: Many thanks again to Nick
Granger-Taylor who has sent a scan of the super-rare Thesaurus Incantatus by Arthur
26th November 2006: Many thanks to Nick Granger-Taylor
for a scan of An Exchange of
Souls by Barry Pain.
29th October 2006: Thanks to Richard Molyneux for sending
a picture of the jacket of a later edition of Walter de la Mare's The Riddle
22nd October 2006: Further scans very gratefully received
from John Pinkney: US editions of de la Mare's The Riddle and On the Edge, and Hector Bolitho's The House in Half Moon Street
20th September.: Scans gratefully received from John
Pinkney: Tales of Mysetry and
Revenge by Noel Langley, The Rent in the
Veil by Margery Lawrence, and two later editions of books by
Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Ralph the
Bailiff and Weavers and
18th September 2006: Once again John Pinkney has
generously sent on more scans - this time of the UK edition of The Street of Queer Houses and Two and Two Make Five by Vernon Knowles,
along with The Eternal
Moment by E.M. Forster and Ghost Stories by H.R.
4th September 2006: Thanks to Don Kobetsky for images for
Not for the Night Time by Theo Gift,
Ghost Stories by Michael Arlen, and Fear by Edith Nesbit.
30th August 2006: Thanks again to James Doig for help
with creating a page for H.B. Marriott
Watson, and sending scans for Marahuna and Diogenes of London.
22nd August: Many thanks to James Doig for sending
through a scan of Nigel Tourneur's Hidden
19th July 2006: Rather belatedly, I'd like to thank Don
Kobetsky for sending us images for A Hair
Divides by Claude Houghton, the Chatto edition of Black Spirits and White by Ralph Adams Cram,
and Revenge! by Robert Barr.
9th june 2006: Thanks again to John Pinkney, this time
for taking the trouble to photograph The Horned Shepherd by Edgar
5th June 2006: Many thanks to John Pinkney for a scan of
a new edition of Mrs Campbell Praed's The Soul of Countess Adrian, A
12th March 2006: Thanks to Nick Granger-Taylor who has
sent images of three titles by Evelyn Underhill: The Grey World, The Lost Word and A Column of Dust.
8th March 2006: Many thanks to Nick Granger-Taylor for
sending images of Vincent O'Sullivan's The Houses of
Sin. Thanks also to Malcolm F. Lawrence for information on
the Peruvian writer Clemente Palma
10th February 2006: John Pinkney has sent on some fine
scans of Some Ghost
Stories by Burrage, The Floating
Cafe by Margery Lawrence, and The Painted Face by Oliver Onions.
9th February 2006: Thanks to Sean Donnelly for sending
scans of George Sylvester Viereck's The House of the
Vampire, A.M. Burrage's Seeker to the
Dead, E.R. Morrough's The Temple Servant and Other
Stories, Maurice Level's Tales of Mystery and
Horror, Frank Owen's The Porcelain
Magician, Henri Beraud's Lazarus, Conrad Aiken's
Among the Lost People, Margaret Oliphant's
The Open Door and The Portrait: Two Stories of the
Seen and Unseen and Gustav Meyrink's The Golem..
29th December 2005: I have added a scan of a jacketed
copy of Arthur Machen's The Secret
Glory. It is a pretty unremarkable jacket, but in over twenty
years of collecting machen it is the first one that I think I have
30th September 2005: Many thanks to John Pinkney for
supplying an image of the jacket of The Horror of Abbot's
Grange by Frederick Cowles.
19th September 2005: Thanks to John Ricketts for a scan
of Gerald Gardner's High Magic's
11th September 2005: Many thanks to Luther Martin for a
scan of Robert Bloch's Dragons and
19th July 2005: Thanks to Charles Oliver for a scan of
Spook Stories by E.F. Benson
1st July 2005: Many thanks once again to Dave Scroggs for
sending through scans of The Centaur by Algernon Blackwood,
The Room in the Tower and The Flint Knife by E.F. Benson, and The Lady of the Island and The Lust of Hate by Guy Boothby.
24th June 2005: Many thanks to Dave Scroggs for sending
through scans of Algernon Blackwood's The Dance of Death and Other
Tales and Short Stories of Today and
Yesterday, and also the great jacket for Lord Dunsany's The King of Elfland's Daughter.
17th June 2005: Work on the database has slowed for the
last few months as I work on the revisions to the Tartarus Press Guide to First Edition
Prices. However, in the autumn I hope to get back to work on
the webpages, providing more bibliographical information and descriptive
material. In the meantime, we are pleased to have been sent by Sean Donnelly images for The Moon Terror by A.G. Birch, the boards of
Lukundoo by Edward Lucas White, and the
boards of the first American edition of The Great God
Pan by Arthur Machen.
21st May 2005: Many thanks to John Pinkney for a scan of
Gertrude Dunn's Unholy Depths
27th March: Many thanks to Brian Lavelle for images of
A Beginning by Walter de la Mare, and The Surly Sullen Bell and Watchers at the Straight Gate by Russell
24th March 2005: Many thanks to John Pinkney for scans of
the US edition of Richard Marsh's Tom Ossington's
Ghost and a yelowback reprint of Catherine Crowe's The Night Side of Nature.
14th March: Jim Rockhill has kindly sent through a scan
of the cover of Algernon Blackwood's John Silence in the unauthorised,
1909 US edition, featuring a solemn-looking John Silence on the
1st March: Thanks to Sean
Donnelly for sending a couple more scans: The Sorcery Club by Elliott O'Donnell, and Stories of the Seen and Unseen by Margaret
27th February: It has been quite quiet here recently, but
Sean Donnelly has recently sent through images of
the cover of The Garden at
19, the American edition of Jepson's book which has Arthur
machen and the New Bohemians amongst it's real-life charatcers. He has also
sent through the image of the d/w for Talbot Mundy's Om. Simon Strantzas has also sent scans
of a few more recent titles: The Nightmare
Exhibition by Quentin S. Crisp, Black Altars by Mark Samuels, Conference With the Dead and Dark Matters by Terry Lamsley, the Collected Ghost Stories of Mary E. Wilkins
Freeman, and Kecksies by Marjorie
16th January: More great scans from John Pinkney:
The Goat-Foot God by Dion Fortune, From Out of the Silence by Lady Bessie
Kyffin-Taylor, The Vampire by Reginald Hodder,
Stories in the Dark by Barry Pain, The Haunted Station by Hume Nisbet, and Gerard by M.E. Braddon.
1st January 2005: Happy New Year! John Pinkney has
generously supplied a number of interesting scans: The Yellow Death by Uel Key, The Discovery of the Dead by Allen Upward,
In Ghostly Company by Amyas Northcote, and The Insane Root by Mrs Campbell