Gray wrote
under the pseudonym "Ingulphus" for several years, and it was only
when the tales by "Ingulphus" were collected as Tedious Brief Tales of Granta
and Gramarye
under Gray's own name that the identity of the author was
Short Stories
Brief Tales of Granta and Gramarye, W. Heffer & Sons Ltd
(Cambridge), 1919
(Including: "To Two Cambridge Magicians", "The
Everlasting Club", "The Treasure of John Bodcoke", "The True
History of Anthony Ffryar", "The Necromancer", "Brother John's
Bequest", "The Burden of Dead Books", "Thankfull Thomas", "The
Palladium", "The Sacrist of Saint Radegund".)
ditto, Ghost Story Press, 1993
(this edition includes one further story,
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